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Genetic Purge (The Galactic Outlaws Book 2) Page 11

  I let out a nervous laugh and cast an uneasy glance towards Maze who was standing by the door. “You know what I mean.”

  “I do.” She moved forward and placed a hand on my shoulder. Her eyes never met mine. They looked past me towards the woman that I had fallen for. “And you know what I mean,” she whispered before turning back towards the box.

  I stood still, not knowing what to say. Maze had probably heard the words even though they had been whispered and that wouldn’t do anything to keep these two women from ending up hating each other. There was nothing I could do about it now. I could feel Samantha’s passion through our bond but I had made my choice, hadn’t I? The woman standing behind me had been devoted to me and the Talon for years, but the feelings I had for her went beyond that. She made me feel complete like all of the shitty parts of myself didn’t matter anymore. She accepted me for who I was, knowing that I probably would never change. The woman in front of me was just a temptation pure and simple. One that I would have easily fallen into not so long ago.

  Samantha had her back towards me, and she started to shrug out of her clothes. I could still feel the tension running through her, and now there was something else. Maybe just the faintest sense of hurt at my rejection. I didn’t know if I could send something back through the bond, but I hoped that she could feel what I was feeling. She was one of us now for better or worse—she would always have a home on the Talon. That home might not include me as much as we felt a carnal pull towards each other, but she would always be welcome here.

  Samantha looked at me over her shoulder and nodded once. She could feel the bond, I knew it. She started to shimmy out of her pants, and I turned away. As much as I wouldn’t have minded another glance at her perfect body, this wasn’t the time. Shit, it would probably never be the time, but that was how the Everything Bar crumbled.

  I felt a small surge of panic coming towards me and realized that she must have stepped back into the box while my back was turned. I understood that feeling all too well. When you didn’t want to do something, but you weren’t really left with a better option. The feeling intensified, and I couldn’t stand it anymore. I turned and moved towards the box.

  Samantha was still naked, but she had crouched down. She looked vulnerable in there. Vulnerability wasn’t something I had seen from her before, and it ignited my need to protect her from harm. The box didn’t do much to hide her upper half from me, but I was more concerned for her well-being than her naked body. I put a hand on her shoulder and made sure to keep my eyes locked on hers. “Just remember the plan.”

  “Oh, I remember the plan. I’m just not so sure that I want to go through with it anymore.”

  “If you want to back out, it isn’t like any of us could stop you.” I heard a slight huff from behind me. Ok, maybe Maze had a chance at stopping her, but even then it would have been a small chance, at least that’s what I figured. “Just try and stay focused on the small things like where the guns are stored, how to access them, and follow the plan.”

  Samantha stood up and pulled me into a hug. “If something goes wrong, I’m counting on you to come for me.”

  “I won’t let you down.” She was starting to feel like one of the crew, and I’d never leave any of them behind. That and I still owed her one for saving Richard and Maze.

  She knelt back down, and the doctor moved forward to join us. Richard had folded her clothes while we were talking, and he slipped them into the compartment under the crate. That is where we had stored an extra bag of blood as well as two pistols and a rather large knife. She had everything she needed to make her escape I just hoped it was enough. Doc started typing on the box’s console preparing it to put her back in stasis. “Samantha, I can’t promise you that you won’t feel anything. Normally we would drug you to make the transition easier, but none of the drugs we have seem to affect you at all. So this might get a little uncomfortable.”

  “Richard, I can tell you that I am not looking forward to this at all.” She lay against the floor pulling her knees to her chest and tucking into a fetal position. “I still owe you a debt for my freedom, and I will see it repaid.”

  “You don’t owe me a thing, dear one.” I could see his eyes welling up with tears. I wondered, and not for the first time. if Samantha reminded him of his daughter or maybe his wife. “Just try and relax, this will be over soon.”

  He motioned towards me, and I helped him grab the lid and slid it back into place. I felt a surge of panic. I could only imagine what I would feel like in her place. Richard worked the control panel on the box with a deft touch. Air escaped from the box as the lid formed a seal and then it started to hum. The box started to shake. I could feel her panic and that she wanted to lash out. I tried to feed her calming thoughts, but it didn’t seem to be working. Finally, the box settled into place and a moment later, I felt my connection to her break.

  I turned towards Richard panic etched across my face. “Tell me she isn’t dead.”

  He checked the readout on the console. “Her vitals look good, Captain. As far as I can tell, she is in stasis, and everything is working as it should.”

  “Thank you, Doc.”

  “Just make sure you bring her back to us, Captain.”

  Richard walked out of the room. I saw him wipe at his cheeks once and then he was gone. I was going to have to talk with him sometime and find out just what it was about her that made him feel so strongly. I placed a hand on the box and patted the top. “Come back to us.” I turned and walked towards the door. Maze wrapped an arm around me and pulled me against her. I needed the comfort—she was the only person I wanted it from.

  “You’re doing the right thing,” she whispered.

  “Am I?”

  “I believe that you are. There is no easy way out of this for any of us. Now it’s on her to earn her freedom. If she does, as much as I don’t want her with us, the Talon should be her home.”

  I stopped and looked down into Maze’s eyes. “You’re an amazing woman.”

  “Don’t you ever forget it.” She gave me one last squeeze and headed towards the bridge.

  She must have been in need of some girl time. I on the other hand needed to burn off some of my nervous energy. That meant after a quick trip to my bunk, I’d be hitting the gym with a vengeance. There were no guarantees in this world. Sometimes you just had to work hard and pray for the best.



  Since Erendall had left the Sanctuary, I felt the nosferatu use its power more than once. Each time the creature exerted itself, it made the hair on my arms stand on end. It was a subtle feeling, kind of like when you’re walking alone at night and feel the need to look over your shoulder. This time the wave of power I felt was different, it was stronger and more concentrated. This time the power crashed into me forcing me to stop what I was doing. Erendall must have engaged the vampire for her to be calling on that much energy. Since then, everything had grown still. No more flashes of power, and no news from our brother.

  If Erendall had succeeded, surely he would have called to brag, or at the least to let his father know of his success. Crandall wouldn’t be able to keep his big yap shut, and would have been strutting around the sanctuary as if he owned it. Instead, the man looked worried, and why wouldn’t he? It’s hard to come to terms with the fact you sent your only son to his death in a gambit to obtain more power.

  The fact that the nosferatu had gone silent was what really bothered me. Had we missed our one true chance to cleanse the galaxy of its taint? Sending Erendall instead of us was a mistake, one the council would have to live with. If the abomination escaped us now, it might be generations before it returned. My belief in the order was already wavering, the fact that politics kept me away from my life’s true purpose made me disgusted. This had to end, it was time to talk to my father.

  Of course, when I reached his chambers, and his assistant announced me, he made me wait. Was he trying to teach me another one of his damn l
essons or did he really not care that I wanted to speak with him? I waited patiently for ten minutes before my anger started to build. An urn on the far wall started to shake, and I turned my energy inwards. Breaking the urn would accomplish nothing. I had to save my power for the real fight that was coming, at least the one I hoped was coming.

  Twenty minutes later, the assistant touched my arm snapping me out of my meditative trance. Had I really been so lost in my thoughts that I let this man sneak up on me? That was the kind of thing that would get me killed if we were out hunting. I knew that I was safe here in the sanctuary, but that didn’t mean I could slip up on such a minor task. Being aware of our surroundings at all times was paramount to our survival.

  “He’s ready to see you now,” he said, once we made eye contact.

  “Thank you.”

  I still wasn’t happy, but taking it out on my father’s attendant wouldn’t help anything. The real ire I was feeling would be directed at the man himself. Opening the door to his private chambers, I walked inside and looked around. The trappings of power sure came with a decent amount of wealth. The floors had been lined with beautifully woven rugs since my last visit. Large tapestries covered the walls. I almost felt like I was in a posh tent back on Earth itself instead of being twenty thousand miles above it.

  My father was sitting at his desk. He didn’t even look up as I entered the room. His eyes were fixed on his holo display. Something about the lack of even a simple greeting rubbed me the wrong way. I knew that he loved us deeply in his own manner, but still, was a simple hello too much to ask for? Moving closer towards him I slumped into a chair, it seemed as if the waiting game wasn’t over yet.

  It felt like an eternity before he spoke, but it was probably only minutes. No one had the ability to make me doubt and question myself like my father did. Most of the time, he didn’t even have to speak, just a simple look was enough to make me lose any confidence that I had. A look of disapproval there, an angry stare here, and it was like I was sixteen again and had to prove I was a man. I left those insecurities far behind me or so I thought before last week. I looked up to find that my father was staring at me. For the second time in mere minutes I had lost track of my surroundings. So far, I wasn’t making a great case for what I wanted.

  “D’avin, how can I help you?”

  Damn, that was oddly formal. Had he already glimpsed into my mind and read my thoughts of leaving the order? No, that couldn’t be it. All I could do now was state my case and my desire and hope for the best.

  “It’s time Dal and I were sent out to investigate Erendall’s progress or lack thereof.”

  “And tell me, what makes you think that he needs your help?”

  This felt like a test rather than an insult. He was baiting me, trying to throw me off of my game. He was always teaching, always pushing, and yet I never really knew if he really cared about the results.

  “I know you felt the massive burst of power the nosferatu released. My thought is that happened when he engaged the abomination in combat. The lack of contact after such a large burst of energy suggests that he lost. Dal and I could start by tracking him down. If he is unharmed we’ll return, if not, we will continue the hunt for the creature.”

  “The same points your brother made to me this morning.”

  Dal had already come to see him. Why was I even surprised? “Dal has always felt more comfortable asking for your support.”

  “And yet you both have it in equal measure.”

  “I’m not here to start an argument with you, Father, I just want the opportunity to serve my order.”

  He looked at me as if trying to decide what to say next. Just a hint of sadness touched the corner of his eyes, but mostly he looked resolved. “In light of Erendall’s lack of reporting, I think it would be best to send someone to check on his status.”

  Someone. That meant one person, and probably not me. “Father, there is no way I’m letting Dal go out there alone.”


  I’d give him points for not trying to hide that his initial plan was to send Dal out there alone. It didn’t do anything to curb the anger and frustration I was feeling, but at least he was being honest. “Dal is too important to the order to risk his life so needlessly. We work better together, and I’ll be damned if I let you put him in jeopardy for your own personal gain.”

  My father stood from his desk, slamming his hands down on the wood. I heard it snap under the smallest burst of his power. Some of the anger faded from his eyes at his lack of control but not enough to make me feel safe to continue pushing him.

  “Damn you boy! Have I not protected you at every turn, given you nothing but the best, and still you refuse to own up to your own failings. It could have been you that took my place. We are so much alike, you are truly your father’s son.”

  That was something I hadn’t expected. Looking back on my outburst in the council’s chambers and then again in my father’s own antechamber, I could clearly see the truth of his words. And yet, this was not the life I wanted. I needed more, I always had. Maybe deep down he had as well.

  “If nothing else, let me go to protect him. We’ve most likely already lost one warrior this week. Let’s not make it two.”

  “Well, if you are going to catch him you better hurry, he was scheduled to leave ten minutes ago.”

  So that was what the waiting had been about. He was trying to give Dal a clean getaway. It was just like my brother to have stalled. He might not have been able to tell me he was leaving, but he could try and wait until I heard and joined him on the ship. I turned and started running from the room. I stopped at the door turning to look at my father. “Thank you.” He just shook his head in that way he did when he was exasperated by the two of us and waved me away.

  Was there time to stop by my quarters or did I need to head straight for the ship? How long could Dal actually stall his launch without arising too much suspicion? I tried to send him a message but his comm was off. Hopefully, father would let him know I was coming. I couldn’t leave without my staff, which meant I needed to risk the detour.

  My quarters came into view, and I opened the door. I tossed some street clothes into my bag along with another set of robes and my staff. I wished that I had more time to think about what I needed but I couldn’t miss this flight. Dal couldn’t do this alone. He needed me by his side. Before I wasted any more time, I chucked the bag over my shoulder and ran for our ship.

  The engines were starting to flare as I approached but the cargobay door was still open. As soon as my feet hit the platform, the door started to close. I made it fifteen feet into the ship when I felt us hit space. Dal was in a hurry. Maybe he thought that I didn’t have father’s permission and wanted to be out of range before he could demand that we return.

  I entered the bridge and dropped my bag and staff on the ground. I slid into the co-pilot’s seat and linked into the controls.

  Dal smiled over at me. “It’s good to have you here, brother.”

  “Thanks for waiting.” I looked over and saw his eyes sparkling with mischief. “We sure got out of there fast, what was the rush?”

  “It’s a long way to Serenity Station.”

  “That and you were afraid Dad wouldn’t let me come, but you knew that I would try to regardless.”

  “Something like that. So the old man finally cracked and gave you permission. I didn’t see that coming.”

  “Let’s just say he sees a lot of himself in me.” Dal just nodded. “That and he doesn’t want to lose his one good son to a rash decision.”

  “Now that sounds more like Dad.”

  We both broke out laughing. I loved my brother, there was nothing I wouldn’t do for him. He was the future of our order, and I was willing to walk away from everything. And yet, together we were stronger than we had any right to be. It took me a moment to settle in on what I was feeling, but I knew that I would give my life for his without a second thought.

  “I would too, bro

  Damn, he could always read me like a book. The ship seemed to hum for a moment, and then we broke through into the stream and into FTL. Our destiny was almost upon us. It was so close, I could taste it.



  We followed the pull of the vampire’s energy towards Serenity Station, but just before we arrived, the power vanished. That had never happened before. As far as I could remember, I’d never even read about it happening in the history of our order. A true nosferatu gave off small amounts of energy wherever they were, it was something they couldn't turn off. Maybe the stories were wrong, or maybe this vampire was something else altogether. We were close enough to the station now, there was no point in turning around. The least we could do was look for information on our missing brother.

  I placed the ship on autopilot and sent our docking request and the required payment to the station. In three hours, we would be walking the streets of Serenity. It was too bad we weren’t there to have a little fun. I heard rumors that they had some of the best brothels in the verse. That and their famed Nubian Liquor.

  Dal had his eyes closed, I wondered if he was trying to find a trace of the vampire’s energy. He had a special talent to cast his consciousness outside of himself. I watched him for a moment before standing and moving towards the side of the bridge. The Phoenix wasn’t a big ship, but she was fast and had a few weapons installed. That also meant you never had to go far to get what you needed.

  Just outside of the bridge was our weapons locker. Opening it, I pulled out my staff and checked it over. The last thing I needed was to have a faulty weapon heading into a battle with a true nosferatu. The ends of the staff rippled to life with glowing red energy as I lent the weapon some of my power. I had no idea how effective the weapon would actually be against one of the monstrosities. I knew it was effective against the lesser, but I had my doubts as to how it would hold up in real combat.

  Further inside of the locker, I found my bag. Reaching inside I pulled out a small plasma pistol. The energy pack was full, and I had one extra. Dal would never approve of using such a crude weapon, but I wasn’t ready to take any chances. I tucked the gun into a shoulder holster before donning my robe. A quick look in the mirror confirmed that my bulky robe hid the weapon completely from view. I found a few knives in the back and tucked one of them away. You could never have too many weapons.