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Genetic Purge (The Galactic Outlaws Book 2) Page 7
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Page 7
The panels beeped, and Samantha pulled her hands away from the doctor. I had to hit him three times, but then he was back with us. I dropped the kit and moved back towards Maze as Samantha helped Doc into a chair. This had been close, too damn close. I hadn’t gotten as much of a shock as the others. They had both been holding metal instruments. If I had been assisting them, we’d probably all be dead right now. Maze looked groggy and like she needed a drink. I found a bottle of water and poured a little in her mouth. With each swallow, she seemed to be more and more like herself.
Maze had a ton of cybernetics running through her system, everything from enhanced muscle tissue to one of her eyes. She didn’t talk about it much so I didn’t know the full extent of the procedures they did on her. I did know she was more human than robot, but not by much. What I didn’t know was if it was her cybernetics repairing the damage or if it was Samantha’s blood. I had a feeling it was the later and for that I would always be in her debt. Maze looked over my shoulder at the topless woman attending to Doc. The man had his eyes closed trying not to look. Samantha almost seemed to be holding back a laugh as she made sure he was ok.
Maze hit me focusing my eyes back on her. She gave me a look that said I’d be dead if I looked back over at the vamp before she got her shirt back on, and then she shouted across the room. “For God’s sake take pity on the man and put your shirt back on.”
I turned to see Samantha look down almost as if she realized for the first time she was still half naked. She looked over at us and gave me a sly wink before turning to get her clothes from where Maze had left them. Doc looked relieved, and I was as well. I couldn’t get in trouble for looking at her when she had her clothes on, right?
I gave Maze a quick kiss before pulling her to her feet. “What do you say we get out of here, and get you cleaned up?”
“I think that would be nice.” She placed a hand on my chest.
“Doc, you ok?”
“Still a little wobbly but I’ll be fine.”
“When you’re feeling up to it, can you show Samantha where her bunk is and send me a report on what you think happened.”
“Of course.”
My eyes met Samantha’s, and I almost couldn’t find the words. She had saved two of my crew. Sure, some people like Gabe might have said they wouldn’t have been in danger if we left her in the box, but that didn’t mean she had to help us when she did without thought for herself. “Thank you.” Was all I managed to get out as I helped Maze from the room.
Maze was still shaken up as I led her back to her quarters. I had a feeling that because of her own modifications, she had taken the brunt of that electrical discharge. I couldn’t imagine having something like that device inserted into my head. At that point, the only real choice you had left was to do whatever whoever inserted it said or let them kill you. I wasn’t much for slavery, I’d rather be dead.
I opened the door to Maze’s quarters and helped her inside. Her hair looked frazzled from the electric current that had torn through her body. Oddly enough, I found it kind of cute. Maze smiled as I laid her in bed. Ok, it was more of a grimace than a smile, but I was looking on the bright side. She was alive, and that meant that we still had time together. Despite how dangerous our job was, I never even considered it a possibility that she would die before I would.
“Wipe that sad look off your face and bring me that diagnostic kit,” Maze said as she winced a little and adjusted herself on the bed.
The kit was an expensive piece of hardware, but it was worth every penny. It allowed Maze to go in and adjust or modify her cybernetics. She didn’t really trust anyone else to tinker with them, and after what I had just seen with Samantha, I knew why. I handed her the kit and turned back towards the wall.
The next part always freaked me out a little bit. The kit had a six-inch needle that had to be inserted into her arm. I watched it happen once and decided I could live without seeing it happen again. I heard the needle extend and the slight hiss of air that escaped from Maze’s mouth as she inserted it. Turning back towards her I saw a little flash of hurt storm across her features. It was gone in an instant, but it had been there. I hoped she didn’t think I was judging her because of her cybernetics. I just had a thing with needles, I didn’t like them at all.
I took a seat on the bed next to her as she typed information into the diagnostic kit. Slipping a hand just under her shirt by her stomach, I let it rest there hoping the warmth of my touch would provide some comfort. She looked up momentarily and then went back to scanning the information on the display.
“This can’t be right?” she said staring at the screen. “Based off of these numbers, I should be dead. It’s a miracle that more of my implants didn’t fry from that jolt.”
Should I tell her about the blood? I guess I kind of had to, she needed to know why she was still alive and I didn’t like to harbor secrets from my crew. “Maze, I have to tell you something.” My voice betrayed my discomfort.
“If you’re going to tell me you like the new girl, you can shove that thought straight up your ass.” She fixed me with a glare that could have wilted plants.
I held out my hands palm up, trying to ward off her aggression. “Nothing like that, although did you see…” That was as far as I got before a pillow hit me in the face.
“I saw more than I needed to, which means you certainly did.”
Well, there was no denying that. I had seen quite a bit of our new arrival’s body since she came out of the box. Sure she was young and had all the right assets, but my heart still pulled me towards Maze. Five years ago it might have been a different story, but time had a way of changing even the most stubborn of old dogs. It sure had done a number on me.
“What I was going to say.” I looked up to make sure I wasn’t about to eat another mouthful of pillow. “Was that she used some of her blood to heal you and Doc, just like she did to fix my wounded chest. I’m not sure how it works or why. And fuck,” I waved my hands in the air trying to emphasize the point, “I’m not sure what will happen to us because of it, but I’m damn happy we’re all alive.”
Maze stared at me for a moment and then sat up and pulled me into a kiss. “I’m still here.” She lay back down. “It’s going to take me awhile to get all this data sorted. I’ll call you if I need anything.”
If there was one thing I knew, it was when I was getting asked to leave by a woman. It stung a little, but I knew Maze probably had a few repairs to make and based off my earlier reaction wanted to spare me from seeing anything else that I might not want to see.
“That’s ok, I’ve got some things I’d like to do on the bridge before we dock.” I looked down at her and waited until her eyes met mine. “If you need anything, anything at all, you comm me, and I will be here in an instant.”
“Just do me a favor and try not to fall all over yourself when you see the new girl again.”
“Well, what if I fell and she just happened to be there.” That earned me another hit to the face from one of her pillows. She tried to hit me again, but I grabbed her arm ducked the swing and gave her a kiss, then I slipped the pillow back under her neck before she could even move. I fussed over her blanket for a moment making sure she was snug and warm and then got up to leave. I turned back in the doorway to see her looking at me. “Let me know what you need, I’m not ready to lose you just yet.”
“Some hot water would be nice.”
“Then I’ll make sure that is Kyra’s top priority when we dock.”
I walked out of the room thinking about how much this woman meant to me and how our new arrival had thrown everything I thought I knew all out of whack. What other powers did our new guest have, and were my growing feelings for her even my own? Things continued to get more complicated, which was exactly the kind of situation I spent most of my life trying to avoid.
I took a quick trip through the bridge checking the time and our destination. I though
t about swinging by medbay to see if Richard was ok, but I knew Samantha would probably be there with him. That was something I wanted to avoid at least for now. I had enough on my mind, and all of it started with the call I was about to place. I had more than one reason I wanted to stop on Serenity Station.
Besides the fact Serenity Station was the last independent station before crossing over into Earth Republic space, it also housed a certain information broker that I used from time to time. He owed me a rather large favor after I helped him out of a tough spot a few years ago and I was going to be cashing that chip in when we got there. Max was a slippery little git, and I knew that he would try and slime his way out of it, especially if there wasn’t a potential profit for him. But if he tried to weasel out of this one I’d have my gun to his head before he could call security.
Standing in front of the camera I fired up the system and started to record my message.
“Max, I’m going to be making a quick stop on Serenity to refuel, and I’m going to need your help with something. Before you say no or talk about your fee, just remember that you owe me one. If I remember correctly, it was actually an arm and a leg that I stopped those men from removing, so maybe you owe me more than one.” I shrugged at the screen. “But if you can do this for me, I’ll wipe the slate clean, and the next time I come calling, I’ll bring you a pile of credits.”
I paused to take a deep breath, trying to center myself. The last thing I wanted was for him to know how important this information was to me. I still had to make it sound like I was twisting his leg to get him to work for free.
“I need you to track down information on a Dr. Marcom. He’s going to have high-level N.E.A. clearance so you’re going to need to be careful. I need to find out about a secret project he is working on or possibly in charge of. Get me what you can, I’ll be docking on Serenity in less than ten hours.”
I cut the video and sent it off. I hoped this was the right call. I had counted on Max in the past and he had never let me down, at least not with the information he gathered. That didn’t mean he didn’t try to screw you over and work every angle he could to squeeze a few more credits out of you. He’d be smart to heed my warning on this job, but I had a feeling if he stuck his neck out too far on this one it’d come back without a head.
I stripped out of my clothes and walked over to my bed. It was amazing how much almost dying and then saving a few members of your crew could take out of you. I threw myself on top of the bed not bothering to pull the sheets over myself. My pillow still smelled like Maze’s hair. Her lingering scent almost made me feel like she was right here next to me as I rolled onto my side. It was a funny thing how you got used to having someone share your bed. I never wanted it to be empty again. I tried to shake the thoughts of another woman from my head as I started to drift away.
It felt wrong leaving Maze alone in her quarters again, but we had just docked on Serenity, and I didn’t want to be here any longer than I needed to be. I wished I was going to have her by my side on this pickup. She had been my constant companion for the last ten years and not having her there robbed me of some of my confidence. Something I would need to deal with Max. Repairing her cybernetics was more important, I understood that, I just didn’t like it. Max wouldn't be that big of a problem, but he had a thing for Maze which always made the conversation go a little smoother. Gabe was going to have his hands full watching over Ice and Kyra as they went shopping. After what happened the last time I sent Kyra out alone, I was taking steps to make sure that never happened again.
The three of them were waiting for me in the cargobay. “Gabe, I want you to stay glued to Ice and Kyra. No fucking around. I know Serenity isn’t known for abductions, but if anything happens to them, I’m taking it out of your hide. Also…” I pointed at the two ladies, “I want both of you armed with at least a blaster pistol.”
“Captain, you know how I feel about guns,” Kyra said.
“I do, and I also know how you feel about getting kidnapped.” I pointed her towards the weapons locker. “Take a gun, and be ready to use it if you have to.”
“Captain, Serenity isn’t anything like that shithole of a planet I got snatched on.”
“It’s not, but it ain’t exactly warm and fuzzy either. Take a pistol or you’re staying on the ship.” She just frowned. Ice actually looked kind of relieved. I knew she wasn’t big on guns either but after what happened to Kyra last time, she was at least willing to man up.
“So where are you off to by yourself?” Gabe asked.
I finished slinging my rifle over my back and checking the pistol in my thigh holster and the one nestled against the small of my back. “I’m going to see Max.”
“Not Mad Max, right?” Ice interjected.
“I should really go with you. These two will be safe on Serenity, Captain.” A frown creased Gabe’s face. He didn’t care for Max, which was another reason I was going alone.
“I’ll be fine, it’s just a quick information pick up. I’m sure I’ll be back on the ship before any of you.”
“Wasn’t someone trying to cut off his leg with a shard of glass last time you went to see him?” Ice asked.
“That was just a slight misunderstanding.” Ice gave me a look that said she wasn’t buying it. “Seriously, I can handle myself. If I get in over my head, I’ll call.”
“You’re the captain,” Gabe said.
“Damn right I am. Let’s get moving. I’d like to be back on the ship and out in the black in two hours. Less if we can manage it.” We started walking down the ramp and into the station. “Oh, and Kyra. Make restoring hot water a priority.”
She hit me with a smirk that made me think she always pulled parts from the water heater first just because she knew it pissed me off. “You got it, Captain.”
I watched them move out of the docking area and into the station before I started to move myself. If anyone was watching for us, I wanted them to be following me. Max didn’t exactly have a stellar reputation, but he got the job done, and his particular skill set was in high demand. This was going to be fun.
The look on the faces of the twins was priceless when the job of hunting down the first known vampire in generations was taken from them and given to me. I’d spent my whole life being told that they were the best, that they deserved the honor more than me. So much for the wonder twins. My father had seen to that by bribing and blackmailing the rest of the council to force their hands.
Now it was up to me. I was more than able to handle the task. I couldn’t wait until I could stand before the Lord of the Sanctuary with the vampire’s head in my hands. Then and only then would he realize that I was the one that should rule the Sanctuary upon his retirement. His sons were pale shadows compared to the light that burned inside of me. This was my chance to prove it. To show them all that I was better than they had given me credit for.
The vampire was being careless already, I held felt the pull of its power four times. It was leading me right to it. I let myself drift opening up my senses to the universe. My hands moved the control as I focused on the vampire’s energy. Once I had a set direction I opened the ship's map. A quick look confirmed there was only one place they could be heading. Serenity Station.
That was a blessing all of its own. Once I finished with the task at hand, I could spend at least a little time indulging in the pleasures of the flesh before returning home victorious. I set a course for the station and dropped into a meditative trance. If anything happened in the next few hours, I needed to be ready for it.
The beeping from the holo display stirred me out of my trance. The vampire’s energy was all around, making it hard for me to think. I needed to shield myself lest the beast discover my presence before I was ready for it. The ship’s system automatically paid the docking fee, and the autopilot moved us into position.
I didn’t wait to make sure the umbilical attached correctly, the system never had a pr
oblem before. Instead I went to the back of the ship and donned the white robes of our order and readied my staff. The electro staff was the pinnacle of the order’s creation. It was partly powered by a battery and partially by our powers. It was said that direct hits with the staff would interrupt a vampire’s system long enough for us to finish the job by removing the foul creature’s head.
With my staff in place, I pulled up my hood and moved into Serenity. The vampire’s energy was everywhere. There was no way for me to get a lock until it used its powers again. When it did, I’d be ready. Everything I had spent my life training for came down to this moment. I won’t let you down, Father, I promise.
Serenity Station was aptly named for what it offered. Sure it had services for old dogs like me, but Serenity was a younger man’s dream. You could get refueled and resupplied here, but the real business on this station was relaxation. People came from all over the Earth Republic and Midrim to rejuvenate themselves. They had something to wet any appetite. Food, gambling, hookers, drugs, massages, meditation, drinking, fighting, basically whatever you needed to forget about the grind of your daily life could be found here as long as you had the credits.
Walking down the main strip of the station was always an interesting experience. Most of the storefronts had large glass windows to try and entice you inside. The displays ranged from drug dens and bars to men and women in various stages of undress. As a younger man, a place like this would have been tempting for me. I probably would have spent a month or two’s worth of pay over the space of a few days. Now most of what I saw just washed over me.